Shure SLXD14 System
1 Day: $50.00
2 Day: $75.00
3 Day / Week: $100.00
Shure SLX-D wireless mic systems deliver transparent, 24-bit digital audio and a rock solid RF performance with very easy setup. Our Handheld SLXD is available to go out with SM58, Beta58A and Beta87C mic capsules. If HH and beltpack transmitter pairs are rented together with a single receiver (combo style) the rental increase is 50% but note; only one transmitter can be powered on at a time. If many systems are needed, we have some configurations available mounted and wired in racks with antenna combiners and can go out with directional antennas: please call for details and availability.
Comes With: Carrying case, fresh set of AA batteries, mic stand adapter as needed, connection cable as needed
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